Go low with IXINITY® to keep factor IX coverage high

Clearance drives high total exposure to factor
The most robust pharmacokinetic parameter for factor treatment is clearance as it is calculated from the area under the curve (AUC), which shows how well therapeutic factor IX levels are maintained.1
Factor IX available over time
IXINITY AUC demonstrates prolonged maintenance of therapeutic factor IX levels3*
*The pharmacokinetics of IXINITY have been evaluated in 32 previously treated patients (PTPs) ≥12 years of age with severe to moderately severe hemophilia B.2
*The pharmacokinetics of IXINITY have been evaluated in 32 previously treated patients (PTPs) ≥12 years of age with severe to moderately severe hemophilia B.2

Get more factor IX on board after infusion
Higher recovery with IXINITY may mean more factor IX in the bloodstream

Hypothetical example:
Patient who weighs 75 kg with a desired factor IX increase of 50% and a baseline factor level of <1%†

*The pharmacokinetics of IXINITY have been evaluated in 32 PTPs ≥12 years of age with severe to moderately severe hemophilia B.2
†Description is not of an actual patient. Individual dose will vary.

high standard
24-hour half-life helps patients achieve peak factor levels when they need them, so they don’t have to worry about if—or when—they’re covered.
References: 1. Björkman S. A commentary on the differences in pharmacokinetics between recombinant and plasma-derived factor IX and their implications for dosing. Haemophilia. 2011;17:179-184. 2. IXINITY [coagulation factor IX (recombinant)] prescribing information. Chicago, IL: Medexus Pharma, Inc.; March 2024. 3. Data on file. Chicago, IL: Medexus Pharma, Inc.